Each eighth grader is responsible and accountable for completing this project during the school year with enthusiasm and pride. The students showcase the true Brimmer spirit by displaying its very essence beyond our Brimmer community through service projects. The goal of the service project is to nurture a sense of social responsibility and promote a commitment to others.
The eighth graders’ objective is to serve the community outside of Brimmer, reflect on their experiences in writing, and then share their projects with the community.
Each eighth grade student is required to complete eight hours of community service. Students choose an organization, contact the organization to schedule times to complete the service, perform their service, keep a journal and a log of their service, and, finally, prepare a presentation for community members. Faculty firmly believe eighth graders are ready and eager for this type of challenge. All students have a faculty member who acts as their “service advisor.” The faculty member oversees all aspects of the service project from start to finish and meets with their “service advisee” periodically to ensure all deadlines are met.