Brimmer Blog

What makes a school special is both who its people are and what they believe. At Brimmer, you will find educators who embrace new ideas, respond with dynamic programming, and adjust to the needs of each student. You will find students who are encouraged to be inquisitive, confident, and open with their ideas and beliefs. We are a PK – 12 community that models what it means to be lifelong learners. In Brimmer’s school blog, our educators and administrators share their unique perspectives. Come learn how our students are inspired to learn, encouraged to explore, and empowered to lead.


  • June

    Embrace the Impossible!

    Joshua Neudel, Head of Upper School
    While we cannot fully predict what will become possible in the next 4 or 8 years, we know that the skills you developed at Brimmer are the building blocks for your future success.
  • Kindness Matters

    Kimberly Formisano, Head of Lower School
    In keeping with the theme of basing my remarks on a children’s book, I again reached out to Ms. Golas, and she recommended Todd Parr’s The Kindness Book. I wanted to highlight the ways we, as a community, have worked to be kind.
  • ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ Again

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    Last Friday, I stood on the stage under the big top tent and congratulated the 35 graduates in the Class of 2024 as we launched them on a exploration mission of their own—to seek out bold new academic and social worlds in college and in the world.
  • May

    Critical Thinking in the Classroom

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    My final individual Learning Walk of the school year had a different focus; most often, I visit a class to observe the teacher, but on these visits I went specifically to observe student thinking.
  • Recognizing & Celebrating Pride Month in LS

    Kimberly Formisano, Head of Lower School & Jessica Christian, Director of DEIB
    At Brimmer, we are proud to recognize historically marginalized communities all year round, but particularly in their national months of celebration.
  • Passion For Digging

    Kimberly Formisano, Head of Lower School
    Lower School students have been taking their learning beyond the classroom. The recent purchase of gardening tools has ignited a passion for digging. During recess, one could observe groups of students gathered towards the back, among the trees, eagerly digging in the dirt. 
  • March

    The Circle of College Application Life

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    Here in New England at this time of year, we live the belief that, “if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” However, the reality is often that March provides considerable roaring at both ends of the month and if we’re lucky the lamb shows up sometime not too much later. Baaa…
  • February

    Upper School Students at MIT's Model UN

    Brimmer Students Model Statecraft at Model UN Conferences

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    Model UN is a successful enterprise, and Brimmer and May students are living proof of that. While the School has offered this activity for a few decades now, we have a stable of self-motivated, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic Model UN stalwarts in the Upper School, and this year the Middle School introduced Model UN to its students.
  • Winter Curriculum Highlights

    Carl Vallely, Head of Middle School
    The winter months are a busy time in the Middle School at Brimmer. I wanted to share with you some of the exciting units of study students have been exploring.
  • January

    Getty Images. GETTY

    Some Rough Thoughts on Learning in the 21st Century

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    The NIH—what, the National Institute of Health offers insight on learning? Go figure (but be sure to choose one of the learning methods below. And yes, NIH does offer insights into the science of teaching…so here we go.
  • AI or JI?

    Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs
    As a rule, when writing for Brimmer’s weekly Bulletin, I try to limit the number of “I”s present in the text. However, with this piece, I am going to break that rule in a brief discourse on my feelings about AI.
< 2024
As an inclusive private school community, Brimmer welcomes students who will increase the diversity of our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under state or federal law, in the administration of our educational policies, admissions practices, financial aid decisions, and athletic and other school-administered programs.