Meet our New BOT Chair

Current parent Chris Chou P ’29, P ‘33 began his work as the Chair of the Board of Trustees at Brimmer and May School in July. After eleven years of outstanding service, David Kreisler P ’17, ’19, ‘23 stepped down from the role of Chair of the Board on June 30, 2023. Before taking on the role of Board Chair, Chris Chou served on Brimmer’s Board for three years and has been actively involved in the Development Committee, Governance Committee, and Facilities Committee. He and his wife Jessica have been Parent Co-Chairs of the Annual Fund for the past two years as well as buddy families to incoming parents and students and Admissions Open House tour guides. Chris’ enthusiasm and engagement within the Brimmer community, his valued business and real estate experience, and the strong relationships he has developed with the greater local community make him a great person to Chair the Board. We are excited for his leadership of the School in his new role!

Look out for a full announcement in the Brimmer Magazine coming out this fall.
As an inclusive private school community, Brimmer welcomes students who will increase the diversity of our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under state or federal law, in the administration of our educational policies, admissions practices, financial aid decisions, and athletic and other school-administered programs.